Tag Archives: scams

How to Keep Your Passport Safe – Tips for Travel

Your passport is your key to proving citizenship and is the document that the US and other countries use to recognize you and to let you enter the country, therefore you must safeguard this critical document.  Always take measures to keep your passport safe Anyone traveling abroad, especially for the first time, should take a few minutes to read up on important passport security tips. Keeping your passport safe at all times, around the clock while you’re out of the country will get you home, no problem. Equally important is being aware of passport scams that you may encounter. Your passport is your key to traveling the world, as well as getting back home. It’s also a hot commodity on the black market so being aware of the latest scams to steal your passport is highly important too.

A passport is an internationally recognized travel document that verifies your identity and citizenship. Only the U.S. Department of State and U.S. Embassies and Consulates have the authority to issue or verify U.S. passports.

You Need A Passport to Re-Enter the United States

Most foreign countries require a valid passport to enter and leave. Some countries may allow you to enter with only a birth certificate, or with a birth certificate and a driver’s license, but all persons, including U.S. citizens, traveling by air, must present a valid passport to reenter the United States.

A stolen passport can cause a lot of problems for you when it’s time to come home. Not only will you not be allowed to travel, but you could also lose your non-refundable airline ticket and face additional unexpected travel expenses while you try to get it replaced. Finally, you may even return home to find only to find your identity has been effectively stolen, and a mounting debt problem to manage.

Before You Do Anything Make Sure You Know When Your Passport Expires

Do not leave it until the last minute to check when your passport expires. Many countries require a passport to be valid for at least six months beyond the date of entry into the country. Therefore, if you are planning to travel and your passport is due to expire in less than a year, you should renew your passport before departure. You should also make sure you have at least one clear visa page in your passport for immigration stamps. Here’s a tip set a calendar reminder approximately 11-12 months prior to your passport expiration date. That way you’ll have enough time to renew your passport without having to pay to expedite fees.

If You Apply for a New Passport Also Apply for a Passport Card

The Passport Card is a substitute for traveling with your passport to Mexico, Canada, Bermuda, and the Caribbean by land or sea. It is not valid for international air travel to and from these countries. A passport card is not valid to any other country than those just mentioned in the world. A passport card is the size of a credit card and fits nicely in your wallet. If you want to keep it on your person while in countries other than Mexico and Canada as an official identification card, you can while keeping your passport secured in a hotel room safe. Like passport books (for adults) a passport card is valid for 10 years. If you already have a US passport, and you now want a passport card as well you may be able to apply for a new passport card via the form DS-82.

What to Do Before You Leave

Back-Up Your Passport Before You Leave Home

Scanning all the pages of your passport (especially the personal details page) can help speed up the replacement process your original passport is lost or stolen. Once you scan your passport, place it into your Dropbox or Google Docs account so you will have worldwide access if needed. The objective is to quickly and easily prove your identity so you can obtain a new passport at the local embassy. Additionally, be sure to include any long-term visas in case you wish to re-apply or replace one. Another option is to take photos of your passport pages and keep them on your phone. This option is a bit riskier if your phone is lost or stolen and is not password, or fingerprinted protected.

Does Someone at Home Have a Copy of Your Passport in an Emergency?

Although having a scanned copy emailed to yourself or in your Dropbox account should be sufficient, leave a scanned copy of your passport with a trusted person (parents, friend, lawyer) who can be counted on to respond and act quickly to your call for help.

Place Emergency Contact Information Inside Your Passport

Put emergency contact information inside your passport in case someone has to access it in an emergency you are sick and unable to speak. You can enter the information on page 4 of the passport.

Tuck a Paper Photocopy of Your Passport into Your Travel Partner’s Luggage

This is for those times when internet access isn’t so reliable when your passport disappears. Alternatively, you can keep a photocopy in your room safe, and of course keep a copy on your phone.

Cover Your Passport

Sometimes you may travel to a country where you may not want to let everyone know you are an American so keeping it covered may be a good idea. Not only does a cover keep your passport in good shape, but a blank passport cover from another country can be used to keep things low-key and to keep people guessing. The best passport covers have RFID shielding too, learn more here.

Carry Your Passport on Your Person Only if Needed

You should only carry your passport with you when you need it – otherwise, it should stay locked up. If you’re going to take your passport with you, always keep it in a location that is hard to get to. If you carry it in your purse or travel bag, keep it zipped up in an internal pocket within your bag. Don’t carry it loosely in your bag where a pickpocket’s hand can gain quick access to it. Never keep your passport in your back pocket. That pocket is called the “sucker pocket” for a reason. The very best way to keep your passport safe is to carry it on your person in an anti-theft pouch or money belt that is hidden under your clothes.

If you don’t want to invest in special travel security products and are using a bag make sure it’s a crossbody shoulder bag or a waist pack and keep the bag in front of you with all zippers and snaps closed up at all times.

If You Leave Your Passport, Lock it Up

If you leave your passport behind, and you’re relatively confident in the safe in your room, you can use that, but be sure that others can’t get into the safe while you’re gone. Many of the hotel and cruise ship safes are just not that secure. Use a hotel room safe lock for extra security, learn more here about the Milockie.

If your room doesn’t have a safe, leave it with the hotel front desk or hostel and have them lock it in their safe behind the front desk. Alternatively, if your room doesn’t have an in-room safe, consider packing a locking travel safe. you can use in your room or another location even at home.  If you don’t want to buy a portable travel safe, lock your passport inside hard-sided luggage that you can lock to an immovable object in your room.

One Adult, One Passport

Some people make the mistake of keeping all the passports together and held by one person. That action simply means losing more passports at once rather than keeping them all safe. Each person who’s old enough carries their own passport. Spread out the kids’ passports among the adults to minimize the impact of a single theft.

Never Put Your Passport in Your Luggage While in Transit

Luggage gets stolen or pilfered by dishonest airline workers, hotel employees, and others who may have access to your luggage when it’s out of your sight. So we’re back to carry your passport on your person when in transit. Here’s an example of a passport security mistake. You place your passport in your carry-on luggage and board a shuttle bus from the airport to the hotel. Along the route, the bus stops at a destination before yours, someone gets off the bus and mistakenly (or by purpose) takes your bag. Since your luggage was in the rear of the shuttle van or bus, you did not see the mistake (or theft) and off goes your passport.  Always keep your passport safe by keeping it on your person, or in a secured bag on your person.

Be Wary of Those Who Want to Hold Your Passport

This practice isn’t very common today, but in some places, foreign hotels will ask for your passport and keep it. In some cases, they’re required to report the information to local authorities. If you’re uneasy with this practice – and you should be – ask the establishment to accept a copy of your passport instead of holding the document itself.

RFID blocking money belt keeps passport, cash, cards hidden

RFID blocking money belt keeps passport, cash, cards hidden. Wear around your wiast and under a shirt or lower and tucked into your pants.

Fake Police Officer Passport Scam

Fake police officer scams have been around for a while – and if you don’t pay attention, you could easily fall for the scam.  The thieves work on your inability to recognize what a real police uniform looks like – and in reality, could you tell the difference between a fake and real police officer’s uniform if you were overseas?  These thieves will do whatever it takes to make you believe they are the police.  They will engage in a conversation and ask you for your passport – as if a real police officer may. This is a scam to steal your passport. Fortunately, this scam is not a prevalent one.

Name on Passport and Airline Tickets Should Match

This is of particular concern for women who recently married and are traveling with tickets under their married name, yet have an older passport in their maiden name. The solution is to travel with tickets passport, and driver’s license all with the same name. Since 911 security is more rigid.

Check For Your Passport Regularly – In Private

Check regularly that you’re still carrying your passport where you think you are, but do this only in private. If you make it obvious, a thief who’s watching will know just where to look for it. Check in the privacy of your room before you leave for the day and use opportunities like visiting bathroom stalls to verify your passport is still secure.

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Venice is a great “don’t miss” city in Italy, but it’s also where pickpockets prey on tourists. Like tourists, pickpockets love Venice, too. The allure of Venice with its great history, art, beautiful sights, and of course, gondolas attract tourists and tourists attract pickpockets, scam artists, and street thieves; the more tourists there are, the more pickpockets there are.  After the summer months, Carnival is the next popular time of year when pickpocketing increases with the increase of tipsy, foreign visitors. Here’s a quick read to help you avoid pickpocket scams and tourist scams in Venice, Italy.

Pickpocket Scams Are A Part of Venice Italy

The most popular areas for tourists to visit are where you could most likely fall victim to a pickpocket, as they love crowds to get lost in once they’ve committed their crime. The following are the most common locations where you need to keep your guard up and above all guard your valuables by using anti-theft travel gear like a hidden money belt or a backpack with lock-down zippers to keep thieving hands. Armed with some street smarts and the right travel gear you’ll be relaxed and able to enjoy your time in Venice, Italy.

The Most Common Locations for Pickpockets to Prey on Tourists

The most popular locations for pickpockets have a few things in common. The locations all have crowds and many distracted tourists enjoying the sites.

  • Piazza di San Marco
  • Academia Museum
  • the Rialto Bridge
  • smaller crowded bridges
  • crowded narrow streets
 avoid tourist scams in Venice , pickpockets st marks square

St Mark’s Square – The most visited tourist location in Venice

The Most Common Types of Theft Committed Against Tourists Involve

  1. Distractions: An example is someone close to you creates a sudden distraction such as asking the time or for directions. We’ve seen staged shouting matches between a woman and a man designed to distract you while your pocket is picked.  If this happens, this could be a setup for someone getting ready to steal your wallet or valuables as you turn your attention to the distraction.
  2. Back pocket wallet thefts are very common in Venice. Outsmart these thieves with an under clothing money belt for travel that safeguards your money, credit cards, and passport.

Pickpocket Scams on Venice Water Bus or also Known as Vaporetto

Since the canals are the main transportation in Venice, many travelers use water taxis as transportation. These water taxis are known by several names including public boats, water buses, or in Italian – “Il Vaporetto” or “Motoscafi.” While these boats run almost constantly, the Vaporetto is usually overcrowded and people are jammed in like sardines, which is why it is favored by pickpockets.  The pickpockets know tourists love to ride on these boats. So pickpockets too love the boats.

 avoid tourist scams in Venice, pickpockets rialto bridge, venice italy

The Rialto Bridge is the oldest of the four bridges spanning the Grand Canal

A Few Tips to Avoid Pickpockets While Riding on Venice Water Taxis

  1. The standard water bus or autobus fare is a rather steep € 6,00 for the popular lines on the Grand Canal.
  2. The Vaporetto (waterbus) that travels between the Academia and Rialto boat debarkation stops is known to be a favorite of tourists and pickpockets alike. When the Vaporetto is full on a rainy day, the commotion of passengers entering and disembarking creates an ideal situation for thieves to add luggage or a few wallets to their collections.
  3. Pickpockets look for those who get caught in the crowd rushing toward the water taxi embarkation ramps.
  4. Venice pickpockets are also known to take advantage of those waiting in line to get onto a water ferry.  Depending on the time of day, the lines can be very long and pickpockets have been known to work their way into the crowd.
  5. Be careful if you are parking at the Tronchetto and want to ride the public Vaporetto boat into Venice. Men have been known to surround travelers and told where to walk.  Many of these people will not direct you to the right place – they will direct you to the private taxi boats and not the public Vaporetto dock. There you will be over-charged.
Venice Water Taxi, avoid pickpocket and tourist scams in Venice

A Vaporetto is a water taxi and Vence’s major from of public transportation

Most tourists fall victim to pickpockets during the height of the travel season – summer – where skilled Venice pickpockets take advantage of overcrowded water taxis. However, rainy days are also common times when pickpockets seem to strike travelers more since the water taxis are packed to the gills with travelers. Avoid pickpockets and tourist scams in Venice by guarding your valuables with anti-theft travel wallets, money belts, and bags.

Protect your credit cards and money with an anti-theft travel wallet. This is a favorite one for men, make sure you use the belt loop attachment feature, while many women prefer this style of travel wallet and purse, it fits a passport and most phones.

Once pickpockets have stolen a wallet, many drop the stolen wallet(s) in mailboxes around the city – keeping only the cash. Identification and credit cards not belonging to them make it easier to catch these thieves; therefore many of these items are not valuable for particular pickpockets. The postal service then delivers the abandoned wallets to the local police. The police only return a missing wallet if someone comes looking for it.

Always try to avoid pickpocket scams and tourist scams in Venice by staying slightly suspicious of strangers who get too close or are too friendly. One lesson to learn here is to split up where you carry your valuables if you opt not to carry an anti-theft wallet or bag that protects all your valuables. That way if you are victimized you’ll still have some of your important belongings.

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Beware of the Lost-Found Gold Ring Scam

The “lost ring” scam is one of the oldest and most famous of the tourist scams in Paris, France and has now spread all across Europe where many tourists gather. There are several versions of this scam and its delivery is dependent on the scam artist or thief presenting the scam. One common thread is that always the story told by the con artist ends in asking for a few Euros in exchange for you keeping the gold ring.

How the Con Works

In essence, the “lost ring” or “found ring” scam, is based on the simple act of duping the target to believe that this is their lucky day. The scam can be targeted to anyone, but almost always a traveler. The scammer walks up next to you and quickly bends down and picks up a ring on the ground (that they placed prior to walking over it.) The ring is often a gold men’s wedding band.

The scammer (often a woman) then offers to give you the ring but asks for a small amount of money in exchange for doing so. She pleads that she has no money or job and would appreciate a few Euros in trade for the gold ring.

Another “reason” to give you the band is that she has no husband, or that her husband already wears a gold band and has no use for this one.

Some con-artists claim that it is against their religion to wear jewelry and that is why they want you to have it.

She continues on saying that the ring is worth a lot of money and it is your lucky day because she only wants a few euros in exchange for the ring. She pressures you into thinking that you are doing a kindness by giving her a few Euros. Laying on to her plea for a few Euros is that if she has a young child at her side making her look more honest or needy.

In reality, the ring is worthless and made of cheap brass – but it looks like gold.

Variations of the “Lost Ring Scam”

Some victims of this scam have reported that the scammer begins to yell if you don’t give them a finders fee. Other variations have included a few accomplices who just “happen” to be walking by and verbally support the fact that the ring is valuable and you are very lucky to have found it.

The best course of action in these cases is to simply walk away and try not to engage them in a conversation.

Videos of the Famous Paris Found Gold Ring Scam

What to Do if  You’re a Target of This Street Scam

If you are approached by someone handing you a gold ring, the best thing to do is to walk away, and not engage with the scammer. Be prepared that they may yell at you and accuse you of stealing from them, even if you didn’t take the ring. Their motive is to get you to give them money so they will go away. Don’t cave in to their bullying and public shaming tactics. Remember they are the bad guy, not you.

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Westerners visiting developing countries can often have life-changing experiences. Unfortunately, tourists can also find themselves as targets of crime or scams. These travel safety tips for visiting developing or third-world countries can help you have a safer experience.

Locals know that you have more money and valuables than they do. They also know you have less recourse if you are victimized. Consider these travel safety tips when visiting developing countries and investigate your destination before you travel.

Common Scams in Developing Countries

  • Fake police. People who own a police badge and even a uniform may be crooks in disguise. Be suspicious of anybody who asks you to show them your money or passport. Ask to be taken to the nearest police station before they search you or your belongings.
  • Drugged food/drinks. Don’t accept food or drinks offered to you on a bus/train/etc. They may drug you and leave you vulnerable to robbery.
  • Money changers. In most countries of the world, you don’t need to look for black market rates. Sometimes you are approached by people who volunteer to change dollars at very good rates. They will show you a roll of banknotes, then switch it with another roll of worthless notes while they take your dollars.

Advice for Avoiding Scams Against Tourists

  • Avoid crowds where you have to slow down. Every time you slow down while walking in a street you become an easier target.
  • Be suspicious if somebody slows you down (eg, falls in front of you, his clothes get stuck in something, etc): it may be a pretext to facilitate an accomplice who is behind you.
  • Be aware of who is behind you. If the same person is behind you for a few minutes, be suspicious.
  • A decoy wallet may help distract the thief. The thief will target your very visible wallet, while your money is somewhere else (eg, in another pocket). Carry your passport and money in a hidden waist wallet.
  • Avoid traveling with big luggage. The bigger the luggage, the more visible you are, and the harder it is for you to defend yourself, chase a thief, etc. Backpacks can be easily opened even while you are walking. Travel with an Anti-theft backpack or bag.
  • Always ask for receipts at hotels when they make you pay in advance.
  • Always bargain the price of a taxi before entering it, even if it has a meter.  Always use taxis that are recommended and referred by the hotel you are staying in.  Always be wary of taxis you hail on the street.
  • In most countries of the world, it is inappropriate to approach strangers (especially women). Anybody who approaches you (no matter how big his smile) should make you a little suspicious.  Keep your guard up and be careful when talking to strangers.
  • Anybody who speaks English well and approaches you is suspicious by definition. I am aware of many occasions that person will turn out to be somebody who wants to make money out of you, either by being your guide or by selling you souvenirs or worse. If you refuse, they will turn nasty.
  • Again, be cautious of strangers. Once they force you to behave friendly, they have the upper hand psychologically. They know that you were raised to be nice to people who are nice to you.
  • In most countries of the world women never respond to strangers, not even if they like the stranger. For a foreign woman, it is never a good idea to respond to men who approach her. The appropriate behavior is cold silence and indifference. Even a “nois viewed as beginning a conversation. A smile is the worse course of action (in some cultures means “I am saying no but I mean yes”).

Advice for Reducing Your Victim Potential

  • Walk fast all the time. Every time you stop (to browse in a shop, to write a postcard, to take a picture), you become an easy target.
  • Don’t wear expensive clothes/watch.  Your watch might be someone’s 6-month salary.
  • Try to dress as much as the natives (give the impression you “live” in the country, or at least try to blend in).
  • Dress as humbly as possible.

If Robbed

  • If you were robbed of something unusual happened in front or around you, don’t chase the thief, follow the person who generated the commotion: s/he is probably an accomplice. Don’t try to stop her/him until there is police nearby. If s/he is an accomplice, police will probably recognize her/him right away. Accomplices are often women and children.

If Attacked

  • Use violence only if the attacker is under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Otherwise, you may be risking your life: he has obviously more experience than you.
  • In most countries, theft is an accident of life and police will not even make an effort to investigate, but murder, especially of a foreigner, is a major event. From the point of view of a thief, that means that he has no interest in hurting you: if he doesn’t hurt you, he’s likely to get away with his crime, but if he hurts you the entire police force of the nation will be after him. Unless you do something really weird, most of the time a thief who is after your wallet or luggage has no interest in hurting you, they want your money or valuables.

When Driving

The below does not apply solely to Third World countries but also here domestically.

  • Make sure your luggage does not show from the trunk.
  • If you are lost in an unsafe neighborhood, do not show that you are lost. Do not stop, keep driving and look at the map while driving.
  • Don’t rely on public telephones: if you are in a bad neighborhood, they are unlikely to be working.
  • The best protection is prevention: make familiar with the topography of the city before you start driving. If you get lost, you should at least be able to guess (without asking) in which direction you have to steer.
  • Get a map app on your phone.
  • Have an emergency number (can be a friend or local hotel) to call for help or advice.
  • Just don’t look like a tourist who is lost, helpless, and desperate. Look like somebody who lives around there and is about his business.

Additional Advice for Visiting Developing Countries

    1. Get Medical Insurance
      Medical care in developing countries is not up to the standards of care you will find here in the US. If you are injured or fall ill you need an insurance policy that will evacuate you out of the country.
    2. Do Cultural Research
      Before visiting developing countries do some research about customs, traditions, and language. Include religious beliefs and if they impact women traveling alone.
    3. Understand Personal Earning Levels
      Be aware of what locals earn. Err on the side of generosity if tipping or bargaining. The money means more to them than it does to you.
    4. Visit US Government Advisory Websites
      Travel safety tips for visiting developing countries keep evolving, so start your trip by doing your research before you travel.
      Visit US travel advisory website.
      Enroll in the Smart traveler program
    5. Visit a doctor specializing in travel medicine

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Where there are tourists, there are pickpockets and con-artists. Travel scams in Europe typically fall into two categories.  Distraction thefts and thefts of opportunity. Some scams seem to be more prevalent in some countries while other travel scams are more popular in different countries. You’re more vulnerable to being ripped off in unfamiliar surroundings and street thieves take advantage of this.

Trending Distraction Travel Scams in Europe

Distraction thefts are usually coordinated efforts between two or more thieves. Typically they involve one or two members of the “ring of thieves” creating a distraction while the others take advantage of the moment where the tourists or marks lapse in their vigilance of protecting their valuables.  In Italy recently a group of artists concocts a show where a street vendor accuses a woman of stealing from him and hiding the goods on her person. The argument escalates loudly and a group of onlookers gathers. To prove her innocence the woman starts to remove her clothes. Once she gets down to her underwear the shopkeeper apologizes. While the onlookers were distracted by the “show” pickpockets were working the crowd to relieve as many of them as possible of their wallets, cameras, and phones.

You can bet that any loud street scuffle in a tourist-heavy location is an orchestrated distraction scam.

More personal one-on-one distraction travel scams in Europe involve a personable man or woman who approaches you asking for directions while forcing a map in front of you blocking your view of your bag and pockets. A similar setup is a woman selling something large like paper flowers she forces against you while asking for a few coins. While you are flustered and trying to push them away they or an accomplice have pick-pocketed you, and you didn’t even feel it.Travel Scams in Europe

Thefts of Opportunity are Not Staged Scams

Typically thieves take advantage of a momentary lapse in the vigilance of a tourist and then take what is not theirs. One of the most common opportunistic thefts is when a thief runs off with your purse that you’ve left dangling on your chair behind you or dips his hand in it and takes your wallet while your back is to him.

Another crowded location where thieves target tourists is in subway terminals. The jostling and quickly moving people offer enough distraction for pickpockets to take advance of easy-to-pick bags and wallets visible in back pockets.

Crowded subways travel scams and pickpockets in Europe

The best tactic is not to engage with any people who try to crowd your personal space and overwhelm you. Unfortunately, these thieves have honed their craft and are persistent. The solution to keeping your valuables secure on your body is wearing a hidden money belt and to use an anti-theft purse or anti-theft backpack that has locking zippers.

How to spot a pickpocket travel scams in Europe

Popular Travel Scams by Country

Travel scams in Europe are constantly changing. Some, however, tend to remain popular in certain countries because quite simply they work. Here’s a rundown of some of the current popular tourist scams by country. Many of these travel scams occur across borders.

France, the string people: Around Montmartre, Paris a friendly young person will want to wrap and tie a string friendship bracelet around your wrist. While you think this is charming and say thank you as you walk away, the “string person” will follow you and insist you give him or her a donation.  Often their tactics escalate to harassment and many tourists give them money just to make them stop the harassment and go away.

Spain, border fees: During the tourist high season scam artists armed with fake IDs locate between the border of Spain and Gibraltar demand an “entry fee” to Gibraltar. There is no entry fee to pass from Spain to Gibraltar or visa versa. You do not need to pay no matter what they threaten.

Italy, flat tire: This scam is a setup and more prevalent in southern Italy. Rental cars are easily identifiable and therefore vulnerable targets. The scammers puncture the tire of their intended target while parked. Once you’re forced to stop due to a flat tire, the friendly and kind good Samaritans will “help” you watch your car as you go for help or will help you change the tire. In both cases, your luggage and valuables are vulnerable to theft while you’re distracted. Don’t leave your car or luggage unattended, call the emergency number provided on your written car rental document and then ask the “good Samaritans” to leave.

Czech Republic, phony police officers:  This scam can be intimidating and even scary. Don’t fall for a group of police officers, yes they dress the part, as they appear and accuse you of a crime. The crime could be not paying a fee, shoplifting, etc. They will insist on you handing them your wallet and passport. Tell them you don’t have either or simply refuse and ask to go to a local police station. Most likely they will issue you a stern warning and leave.

Hungary, counterfeit money:  Two common places where you may receive counterfeit bills as change is from taxi cabs and from stand-alone currency exchange booths. The Hungarian currency is the Forint. Use a credit card where you can make sure you have plenty of small bills to give the correct change. Get your Forints from a bank or at the airport to avoid fake currency.

Poland, imposter cabs:  Imposter and unregulated cabs will try to pick up fares and say their meter is broken and then try to overcharge you for your trip. If this is the case look for another cab, or pre-negotiate the fare. It’s best to know the going rate for the trip ahead of time before you start the negotiation. Another option is to ask what the rate is via a rate card.

Germany, fake train ticket inspectors: Often the fake inspectors appear on trains to the airport. Usually, men wearing a fake ID badge and even armed with portable credit card machines ask to see your ticket. Upon inspection, they declare something is wrong and demand payment of a fine on the spot. Some demand 60 Euro per person and can be very aggressive even demanding your passport as ransom, which you don’t want to give up, especially since you’re on your way to the airport. Never hand your passport to a stranger, even if he looks official. Tell the “inspector” to issue you a ticket (which a real inspector will do.) Call for the train conductor to intervene if you can.

The more you know ahead of time the more likely you’ll recognize when something is not quite right. Be aware of your surroundings and trust your gut, especially when interacting with overly friendly or overly aggressive people, read more about travel scams in Europe.

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How to avoid child pickpockets in Italy

While Venice is one of the jewels of Italy, it also has a reputation for children pickpockets. Most first-time tourists to Italy pick Venice as one of their destinations to visit. First-time tourists and even repeat visitors should be aware of children pickpockets in Venice. Tourists that are enjoying the charms of the city are prime targets for pickpockets of all ages including child pickpockets.

What may take thieves just a moment to “lift” from your pockets (passports, credit cards, and airline tickets) may take you days to replace. So travelers beware of even innocent-looking locals be they a well-dressed business person standing next to you or a playful group of young children.

Children as Thieves – Pickpockets in Venice

Schooling for thieves starts very early. A traveler was seated on a crowded bus in Rome on her way to the Vatican. She glanced down at her lap to find a tiny little hand reaching into her now unzipped fanny pack. The child could not have been more than 6 years old. Groups of children have been known to gang up on unsuspecting travelers as well. One common scenario is the newspaper trick. A group of children approach the unsuspecting tourist and ask for money or try to sell you knick-knacks as they jab at you with newspapers or cardboard. The papers effectively block your view of little hands fast at work, opening pockets, slashing belts, and cleaning out your travel funds. If you do catch on, usually the shock of being robbed by children delays your reaction a moment more, making for a successful robbery.

Why Children Make Good Thieves

Children pickpockets venice

Street vendors selling souvenirs can be a distraction for tourists and an attraction for pickpockets.

More common in Rome and other Italian cities child pickpockets are now working in Venice too. Under 14 years of age, these children cannot be held accountable for their crimes by local law. So they are ideal for older thieves to train and put out on the streets to work. If the child thieves are picked up by police, they are taken to child refugee safe houses, and then they abscond in the morning only to be back on the street the very next day. Some of the children are stopped by Carabinieri (national police), fed-up local vigilantes and shopkeepers on a daily basis, but the rewards are great and the young thieves keep on robbing.

Be streetwise – Venice is a very safe town but pickpocketing is one thing you should look out for. Favorite places for the robbers include busy lanes and bridges, the bus terminus at Piazzale Roma, the St. Mark’s area and rush-hour water buses. Don’t be lulled into a false sense of security if the only people near you are ten-year-olds or heavily-pregnant girls; these are classic examples of the pickpockets sent out by Fagin-like operators. Newspapers have reported children as young as 5 being employed in crime. Be very aware of people falling in behind you in a queue, especially if you are being jostled. Shout loudly and attract attention if someone attempts to rob you.

Often girls are the ones to approach purse-carrying women as they seem the least threatening. They will play around you or distract you with a cardboard sign asking you to buy a trinket or candy. Children also have smaller hands which you may not feel slipping into a bag or pocket. Venice with its many alleys and narrow streets is an ideal setup for the thieves to steal from tourists and to and run away out of sight. Your best defense is a security purse that has built-in anti-theft features to keep your valuables secure from pickpockets.  Travel with peace of mind.

Anti-Theft Travel Gear

Our best advice is to carry your valuables close to your body and hidden from view, if you can’t leave them locked in a hotel room safe. A neck pouch that zips closed or uses velcro to stay closed should be worn under your shirt or blouse. Even if the neck cord is visible or the item is a bit lumpy under your shirt most likely a thief will pass you up for another victim that isn’t wearing one. Another similar type of body wallet is a flat money belt that you tuck into the front of your pants.

Find a Money Belt to Keep ID from gettinglost or stolen

Anti theft neck pouch for travel

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Pickpockets in Vietnam target male travelers. Watch the following video which caught pickpockets stealing from tourists visiting Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam. See how a street gang of men and young women work quickly and efficiently together to target men.

Don’t Be A Victim of Pickpockets in Vietnam

Here’s how the crime occurs. Members of the gang are assigned different tasks in order to steal from male tourists. The victims are typically targeted by thieves driving motorbikes looking for foreign travelers who look drunk after coming out of restaurants and bars. When the thieves find a potential victim, they let off a female member from the back of the bike. The female walks up to the victim, pretending to be a street peddler, or interested in him and engage him in conversation.

The female starts coming on sexually by rubbing the male victim’s thigh or crotch area while using her “free hand” to remove the victim’s wallet or mobile phone from their pocket. You will see in the video that once the wallet/phone has been taken, the female pickpocket passes it off to a male member of the gang who is standing behind the unsuspecting victim. The two thieves then quickly leave by speeding off on a motorbike.

How the Pickpockets Work

In one of these thefts, the victim catches the thieves in the act and is able to get his mobile phone back that was stolen from his back pocket. According to the police, the pickpocket team would gather in areas of Ho Chi Minh City where young tourists congregate.  These areas include Bui Vien, Pham Ngu Lao, De Tham, and Tran Hung Dao.

While Ho Chi Minh Police have said that they have shut down this gang by arresting around 30 suspects related to this group of pickpocketing thieves, the video is a good reminder for men to keep their guard up especially when it comes to pretty young local women in tourist areas.

Video of Female Pickpockets Targeting Male Tourists in Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam

Here is another video of a traveler to Vietnam who fell victim to a child pickpocket 

Being targeted by a pickpocket gang can happen anywhere in the world, counter being a victim by never putting your wallet or cell phone in your back pocket. The back pocket is the “sucker pocket”. As you saw in this pickpocket video, a skilled female pickpocket was even able to remove the victim’s phone right out of his front pocket due to the “distraction.”

For even greater security, consider using one of the several pickpocket prevention wallets that can provide an additional layer of security. Here are two to consider. This one is the Discreet Secret Sliding Belt Loop Wallet attaches to your belt and drops down inside of your pants.

Here is another anti-pickpocket product that can help protect your wallet and/or mobile phone. The Pacsafe Coversafe 125 Travel Belt Wallet features a steel cable wire that is embedded into the hidden belt loop that secures the wallet to your belt. The steel wire is used to provide extra snatch and grab protection for your wallet in case the thief was able to get her (or his) hand in the front of your pants somehow – which is pretty easy as you saw in the above video.

This type of belt money wallet is easy to use. Simply take off your belt and when you put it back on, slide your belt thru the security belt loop. You then tuck the wallet into the front of your pants. When you need to get to your phone or money, simply pull the wallet out from your waistband, and unzip the pocket to get to what you need.
The nice thing about this security wallet it that it stays secured to your belt – with the extra protection of the embedded steel wire.

Tips to Avoid Scams and From Being Ripped Off in Vietnam

Bag snatching by motorbike bandits–
Most frequently in larger cities like in Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi and Nha Trang are on the increase. Injuries can occur when travelers attempt to hold onto their bags. If this happens to you while you’re crossing the road, let the bag go. Your safety is more important than your belongings. This also underscores why you should carry valuables like your passport and credit cards in a money belt or body pouch and on your person. If you must carry a backpack, carry an anti-theft backpack to thwart pickpockets and thieves.

Currency switching –
In Vietnam, prices can be quoted in the local currency which is the Vietnamese Dong yet many prices for food, hotels, and transportation are quoted in US dollars this is particularly true in popular areas with tourists. Make sure you confirm what currency a price is in before you buy. Know if a street vendor tells you that something is “eight”  they might mean 8,000 dongs (approx 35 cents), or 8 US dollars, big difference. Read more travel tips for Vietnam.

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In Paris Don’t Fall for the – Fake Petition Scam

The fake petition scam has been going on in France, Italy, and Spain for years because it is so successful. It’s a scam many first time visitors fall for because it starts out as what appears to be a legitimate conversation with a friendly local.  You will usually find con-artists with clipboards at many of the larger metropolitan tourist destinations.

How the Fake Petition Scam Works

The con-artists target single travelers, couples, and small groups of tourists.  If you are or see that you are about to be approached by clipboard-wielding young man or woman who greets you with a smile and genuine interest – know that you are very possibly being set up for any number of scams to relieve you of your money. After you sign the petition (and there are many compelling reasons or causes to sign) they pester you sometimes to the point of intimidation to make a “donation” now that you signed the form.

Fake Petition Scam

Fake Petition Scam

Victimized travelers have many different variations of how they fell victim to a scammer who targeted them with the “fake petition” scam – with some of the interactions being very unpleasant.  The best advice is to avoid the fake petition scam in the first place. If anyone approaches you holding a clipboard, or holding a piece of paper that may even remotely look like a petition, do not let them engage you in conversation. Simply say firmly “non merci” and walk away. If necessary be rude, and do not let them engage you in conversation, because if you do, you might end up like the man in the video below.

The scam works this way. Once you sign what you think is a petition, the scammer will insist that you make a donation to whatever cause the petition is for. If you don’t give a “donation” the scammer will point to the paper you signed that says you have agreed to give a donation. If you still don’t give a donation, the scammer comes up with another trick, they will tell you that if you don’t give a donation they (the scammer – or as they may call themselves “petitioner” will have to personally give the pledge money to the cause you signed for. If you resist, other youths may come to their aid as a way to pressure you to pay. The scene can escalate from there in various manners, including the use of other thieves who may try to steal your bag as you are distracted by the argument.

How Fake Petitioners Operate to Rip Off Unsuspecting Travelers

Another variation is that the scammer targets unsuspecting tourists who are sitting down at a café table. The scammer looks specifically for someone who may have a cell phone or camera on the table and uses the fake petition scam as a distraction to steal it. The thief’s job is that when they walk up to your table, they need to engage you in conversation while they put their clipboard or papers on top of your phone or camera. The thief tries to do this in a way that you won’t notice what they are doing – again facilitated by engaging you in a verbal conversation.

After a short conversation, and with the hope that you were also able to get you to “donate” to there scam cause, the thief walks away, with your cell phone or camera under their clipboard or other paperwork. Most times these thieves are so skilled that it takes victims some time to even realize they have been ripped off. Lesson learned here is to keep your guard up against overly friendly strangers and always be aware of your possessions when they are sitting on a table. A defensive strategy for travel is to always place your phone or wallet while sitting a table into an anti-theft waist pack.  You can reach for it easily, but no one else can.

Don’t Be a Target – Learn From Others and Don’t Fall Victim to the Fake Petition Scam

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